What to do if you get a tooth?

Before an accident that causes a blow to the mouth can occur the situation that the child has a tooth completely. We are talking about the dental or dental avulsion, which occurs when a tooth, while maintaining its integrity, leaves its accommodation in the bone due to trauma; that is, the tooth completely leaves its socket.

If the tooth comes out of the mouth, the child should be taken to the dentist or the Emergency Department (in general, to the right place to receive emergency dental treatment) as soon as possible, next to the tooth, although if it is a milk tooth this is usually not reimplanted.

As a first aid for the child we must apply a cold compress for pain in the mouth and gums, and direct pressure with gauze to control bleeding. The fundamental thing is to seek dental help immediately.

If it is a definitive tooth, avoid touching the tooth in the root part and clean it. If the tooth is dirty, let the tap water run for 10 seconds, trying, as we say, not to touch the root.

The tooth can be stored in water, milk or serum until you reach the office: it is important to keep it in a moist environment. You have to take it to the dentist as soon as possible, since the longer you wait, the lower the chance of reimplanting it successfully.

If you can, although I imagine this must be practically impossible with a newly traumatized child, you have to reposition the tooth in the socket and keep it in place by biting a napkin or a handkerchief.

It is necessary to proceed like this, since it is possible that the definitive tooth can be put back in the child's mouth through a reimplantation.

In this process the tooth, if it is repositioned, sticks to the neighboring teeth for a certain time so that it rejoins the dental socket. It is also necessary to perform the dental canal treatment, since when leaving the vasculonervious package that gives it vitality is cut and thus avoid necrosis and subsequent dental abscess.

As in the case of broken teeth, follow-up should be done to control the vitality of the tooth. We saw a few days ago that if the tooth was broken they should try to take all the fragments and take them to the dentist to try to rebuild the tooth.

If the permanent tooth has fallen, an attempt will be made to reimplant, introducing it in its original place. If it is a tooth of milk that comes out, we will also go to the specialist to determine what is the best way to act, since it is not the same if a tooth comes out at five years than at two. We hope we don't have to face these scares ...