The length of paternity leave will not be increased

The Spanish families have had to make a new concession for the economic crisis, because, after the loss of aid for the birth of a child, they will be left without the extension of the paternity leave promised by the government. Paternity leave will not be increased.

The expected measure, which extended parental permission from 15 days to four weeks a month, has not been included in the new General State Budgets.

It was hoped that as of January 2011, parents could remain on leave 4 weeks, to accompany the mother in that first month so complicated, in which help and organizational and emotional support is needed for the family to adapt to the new member . However, the economic reasons are going to force them to wait to enjoy it.

Many couples who expect a child had this but now see their frustrated hopes. The truth, although the economy has a very difficult time, it has become very difficult to accept that it is the babies and their families that are harmed Therefore in this regard.

The measure had already been accepted through a parliamentary agreement that was published as a law in the BOE but now its application is paralyzed, keeping the 15 days of leave without date in this year for its extension.

It is worrying that families and babies do not receive full protection They deserve in this aspect of maternity and paternity leave, clearly insufficient to guarantee the little ones the best possible welfare, but also in other fields.

These are the conciliation measures that protect children and families, providing them with the possibility of spending more time together when they need it most. It makes me sad and outraged that paternity leave is not increased How children deserve What do you think?

Video: How Long Parental Leave Lasts in Different Countries (July 2024).