What criticisms can doctors and gynecologists make towards prolonged breastfeeding? (II)

After several entries commenting on the arguments that some health professionals offer to breastfeeding mothers for a long time today we offer you the last one, which comes to continue the criticisms that doctors and gynecologists can make towards prolonged breastfeeding.

Hopefully, as we have commented on other occasions, professionals recycle themselves, update their knowledge about breastfeeding and, above all, avoid value judgments and be respectful (it seems incredible that you have to "ask" for respect, but many of the phrases and criticisms are that, incredible disrespect for the mothers who breastfeed).

"If your nipples hurt, wean"

This phrase was told by a gynecologist to a mother who breastfed her baby for a few days, who told her that her nipples hurt when she breastfed.

I guess it stayed "wider than long", because solution, what is said solution, offered none. "If it hurts, then don't give it" is like telling someone that "if your foot hurts when you run, stop running." Come on, which means not saying anything, because the mother already knows that if she wants to stop breastfeeding and the pain disappears instantly.

A pity, given that there are many things to do and try before telling a mother to stop breastfeeding.

"From 2 years is bad for its development"

This was said by a doctor when talking to a mother who was breastfeeding her 3-year-old daughter. First of all I think we should congratulate this professional for accepting prolonged breastfeeding up to 2 years (much for what we are used to reading), however, for I do not know what reason or personal opinion, he considers that from 2 years It is bad for development.

As you know, WHO says that the ideal is for a baby to suck up to 2 years and then as long as they both want. Lawrence Gartner, president of the AAP (American Pediatrics Association) breastfeeding working group explained in the last statement made in this regard, dating back to 1997, that “The Academy has not set a limit (for breastfeeding). There are children who are breastfed until 4, 5 or 6 years. This may be infrequent, but not harmful. ”

There are no studies that show that children who breastfeed more than two years have worse development than those who leave at two years or earlier. As it is usually said, a person is innocent until proven otherwise. In this case, breast milk remains beneficial, even at two years, until proven otherwise.

"From 6 months breast milk is dirty water"

No water, no aguachirri, no milk that doesn't feed, directly "dirty water". Because look, if it was still water, because what the child takes at six months, a liquid that quenches thirst, but of course, if it is dirty, bad subject.

And I wonder, with the number of children who are seven months or older and still breastfeeding, how can they not be intoxicated or something with so much dirty water coming out of the breasts?

“Who do you breastfeed, that child? It is already very old, remove it or I will not be able to give you Amoxicillin. If you don't take the tit off and take it and your son dies it will be your fault ”

This is one of my favorites, basically because it is one of the most regrettable. The doctor who verbalized it released in a moment three or four pearls worth analyzing.

Start with a value judgment ("that child is already very old"), since the fact that he is small or older is something that should not matter to him in the least and continue with an unnecessary order ("discard it or I can't give you amoxicillin"), because amoxicillin is an antibiotic compatible with breastfeeding. In fact, it is so compatible that when a child suffers an infection he usually takes amoxicillin (the safest thing is that, being the child somewhat older, he has ever taken it), so it is absurd to forbid breastfeeding taking amoxicillin if when the Child requires it is prescribed the same antibiotic.

If we also consider that the child is already older, the risk is much lower. The child no longer drinks milk exclusively, but instead takes other foods and the amount he takes for his weight is proportionately less than that of a baby who only drinks breast milk. It is also a child with a more mature intestine and with much more weight and for this reason the amount that can pass through the milk and that the child can digest affects much less.

The last sentence could be defined as hilarious. There are hundreds of ways to explain the risks that something entails. I do not think that "if your child dies it will be your fault" is the most appropriate or the most ethical (and less when it is not true).

"Your milk doesn't contribute anything, you just pass the germs"

Than milk continues to provide nutrients and defenses, regardless of the child's age, we all know it, so you don't have to go deeper into it. On the subject of germs, yes, of course germs pass, just like when a baby sucks a bottle, when he takes the germs in artificial milk, when he puts his hand to his mouth, when mom gives him a kiss, when Aunt Pascuala catches him, the one who does not wash his hands before taking the child because he says that this is nonsense, when Aunt Paquita catches him, that one does wash his hands and touches his mouth so that say "ajó, ajó", when ...

“You are an irresponsible and a third worldist, give you a tit having great artificial milk”

Of course. Irresponsible and third world are two of the words that women who go to the gynecologist want to receive when he sees that they are breastfeeding. Of course "with how good artificial milks are," I don't know how there can still be women determined to become "third world".

Anyway, I think you don't need any more comments.

Hopefully this is just an anecdote shortly

Well, hopefully soon (months, years), someone can go in and read this and say: “Uff, it's true, there were toilets that told you these things for breastfeeding. Luckily times have changed, professionals are more aware and responsible with existing information about breastfeeding and are much more respectful to mothers. ” Hopefully.

Photos | Flickr - Uqbar is back, viralbus, Daquella manner
In Babies and more | What criticisms can doctors and gynecologists make towards prolonged breastfeeding? (I), What criticisms can pediatricians make towards prolonged breastfeeding? (I) and (II), what criticisms can nurses make towards prolonged breastfeeding? (I), (II) and

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