Do we not have time for children?

Lack of time is usually our excuse for not spending more time with our children. However, as I wanted to illustrate with this vignette, the that we don't have time for children is relative.

Excluding work time, during which we can hardly be with the children (why does it always have to be this way?), The day has many hours left. Given our poor conciliation conditions, working mothers and fathers have to organize themselves to “be able” with everything, work, children, home…

Although there are always some tricks so that working mothers do not faint in the attempt. But it is not easy, and to this in many occasions the guilt of not being with the children is added.

And, returning to those hours when we are not in our workplace, of course we adults have things to do, but ... why not do them with our children?

Armando already told us some time ago that going to the hairdresser, making the purchase, picking up the clothes ... is another way to spend quality time with them.

If, on the contrary, we exclude the little ones from our daily activities (who can accompany us without a problem) we are subtracting moments in company that are fundamental for them.

Of course, in this, as in everything, there are intermediate points and exceptions that I consider absolutely valid. I don't want to say that we are all, all the time with our children (those who are no longer babies), that would be quite unrealistic.

And then there is the matter of our priorities. Because we always have time for what interests us, whether going to the gym, going to a workshop or going to have coffee with friends. And I do not say that this is bad, each one prioritizes in his life what interests him most, but then we cannot say that we do not have time for our children.

And the serious thing would be to say that we do not have time to educate them, as happens in the vignette, because then the prioritization of other activities in front of the company of our children I find it irresponsible. Not only do we miss seeing them grow, but we deprive them of solid foundations for their emotional, emotional and social development, depriving them of their reference figures, mom and dad.

Anyway, they are extreme cases, and surely you take care and educate your children perfectly, or at least put all the effort into it, and that does not take away so that you have ever gone to dinner without them.

But, as the motto of the vignette says:

I have no time It is a euphemism to say "I have time for what interests me"

Sure that we all want to spend more time with our children, you just have to look a little to find that time that we considered non-existent ... or that we dedicate to other things.

Video: What are parents doing to limit screen time for young kids? (July 2024).