Summary of the week from June 16 to 22 in Peques and More

This week in Peques y Más, the blog dedicated to children between the ages of five and twelve, we have told you that we must encourage the creativity of our children, that summer comes with an interesting leisure offer, that we can find food for allergy in specialized stores and that the authority of teachers is recognized in Madrid.

We have wondered if we encourage the creativity of our kids and we have done it by showing you a example of how children draw eleven years old We have also reviewed how we can prepare the walls of our children's rooms to develop their pictorial skills.

For him summer consoles They are a very interesting option to complete the leisure offer. It still has no date of departure in Spain but it seems that the Nintendo 3DS has a long way in the hands of children. And if you don't want a console, you can have a great time with the organic soccer balls and reissue the adventures of your heroes while we are in the World Cup in South Africa 2010.

Another option for the summer is offered by the multiple offers of extracurricular activities, but who and for what chooses the activities? which children attend.

We have reviewed the issue of nutrition and infant feeding with a visit to an allergy food store.

In the area of ​​education we have read that in Madrid the authority of teachers is recognized.

We have presented a La Caixa initiative aimed at drug information, let's talk about drugs is its name, and intends to be a reference site around this serious problem.

And that is all that gave the week in Peques and More. We hope you go through our blog to discover what new features are presented daily for the elderly of the house until we meet again next week.

Video: Lesson 22 - Practical lessons on deliverance - The Pioneer School Extra (June 2024).