Summary of the week from June 9 to 15 in Peques and More

This week in Peques y Más, the blog dedicated to children between the ages of five and twelve, we have told you that we are preparing for holidays from the kids, that we are learning a lot of things with the World Cup, that there are very interesting tools in the classroom and that we are supporting a campaign to save pediatrics.

We are in full Soccer World Cup in South Africa and we have thought that it is a great opportunity to learn geography, flags and many customs of the countries that are playing football.

We are going on vacation as soon as I finish school and we have commented on what options there are in the market regarding activity books. Apparently a lot of homework but little interaction with the Internet.

In the school we are learning to use the mesosphere and in the classrooms we are open to learn with the Interactive Digital Whiteboard that is so simple for children, our little digital natives, and that it will require teachers an effort of adaptation in its use .

In the area of ​​health we have decided to support the campaign of Save the Pediatrics of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics that treats specialist doctor as a species to extinguish.

In the aspects of nutrition we have remembered how important breakfast is for children in the morning.

We do not know why there are people who are questioning whether we take our children on vacation to a cruise ship because many times we have commented that we do everything for our children.

Is it worth controlling your children's navigation or is it enough educate, train, teach and guide? It is a question that we ask ourselves on a recurring basis as the children advance in the use of technologies.

And that is all that gave the week in Peques and More. We hope you go through our blog to discover what new features are presented daily for the elderly of the house until we meet again next week.

Video: E3 CRINGE 2018 (July 2024).