Maria, a mother who has died giving many lives

Maria was a pregnant mom who has given many lives. He has died from severe meningitis. I was 37 years old and I was eight months pregnant. When he arrived at the Vigo Hospital, the disease was too advanced and doctors could not do anything to save her life. According to the sources, he was already in a coma when he was admitted and meningitis was irreversible. However there was time to save your baby's life.

While in a coma, a caesarean section was performed and little Alba was born, who is still in neonates, and is visited by her father on a daily basis.

María González Agualevada died without being able to save her, but not only did she give her life, but she had also clearly specified that her organs should be donated. Despite her death it was also possible to fulfill her will, keeping her with assisted breathing until the disease was defeated, and only then was the intervention performed that will allow others to live thanks to her.

It is a very, very sad story. But this time medicine has been able, in disgrace, to allow Mary being a mother and giving life to her daughter and giving many lives too. In pain, life is reborn. With these lines I want to pay my emotional tribute to this mother.

Video: Queen Isabella's difficult labour. Birth of Maria of Aragon Isabel s02e08 (July 2024).