Your baby's picture: how Irene grows

Today in our weekly review of the photos of your babies we will look at the beautiful blue look of little Irene. A few months ago we brought you Irene as a newborn with Mr. Bear, and here we see how she has grown and how she continues with her watchful eye and those beautiful eyes that have been clarified and defined.

Irene was born in Guadalajara (Spain) and is 11 months old. Her father tells us that it is a whirlwind, she loves to dance in her parents' arms and move her arms and legs to the sound of any type of music, accompanying her in her particular way of singing. "The five wolves" are his specialty.

The small one is the ideal photographic model, she poses perfectly for the camera, and her turquoise blue eyes do not blink when the lens is focused.

Irene already chapurrea, imitates the sounds of some animals and loves to shout at anything that excites her. He also takes his first steps, with the help of his mother Amparo. Now he just wants to stand and walk in the company, but he also loves playing on the floor and in the parents' bed.

We thank your dad Luis Miguel who wanted to share this tender image and take the opportunity to remember that parents who want to have the opportunity to see a picture of your baby in Babies and more You can hang the images in our group on Flickr.