Text4baby, free SMS service for pregnant women in the United States

United States has launched a free service to inform pregnant women about their health and that of their babies via SMS, as well as that of newborn babies. On their mobile phones, women who wish will receive recommendations from experts on nutrition, vaccines, first care and healthy habits, among other issues.

Once the baby is born, the mother will continue to receive advice via text message for a year. The launch in the United States of Text4baby, aims to raise awareness and awareness through text messages, and it seems that the precedents are favorable.

Similar experiences in other countries seem to show that the periodic sending of text messages affects the attitude of pregnant women to certain practices, such as smoking and other habits that are harmful to their health and, consequently, that of the baby.

The messages are also available in Spanish, so if you are waiting for a baby and you read us from the United States, you know that you have the service available in this language.

The best thing is that it is a free and voluntary service. Pregnant women and recent mothers who enroll in this program will periodically receive three weekly recommendations on nutrition, vaccinations, healthy habits, disease prevention, and advice to prevent stress and other harmful practices during pregnancy.

Of course, all the information they receive is supported by experts in maternal and child health. When we wish not to receive more information, we just have to communicate our desire to cancel it.

This service is designed primarily for the African-American and Latino population of the United States with low income and who do not have easy access to information.

To receive the recommendations in the form of messages, the interested party just has to send the word "BABY", or "BABY" if she wants to receive the texts in Spanish, at number 511411 and immediately begin to receive information related to her health and that of the baby adapted to the month of pregnancy in which you are.

Among the sponsoring and founding companies of Text4baby, which is a service launched by the United States government, are health companies, medical organizations, pediatric foundations, the Johnson & Johnson brand and mobile phone companies.

It seems to me to be a good idea, provided that the information offered to pregnant women or with young children is truthful and medically endorsed.

In short, this Free Text4baby service with SMS for information on pregnant women It shows that new technologies and health advance hand in hand and we must take advantage of the advantages it offers us.