The treatment for ovodonation

The treatment to do an ovodonation It is quite simple and is usually a success without complications. Usually the woman who wants to donate, looks for a clinic and calls them, they summon her for a previous interview where they explain how the treatment is, and the tests they have to do.

The tests are an analytical, vaginal ultrasound, cytology and psychological test. The analysis includes HIV, karyotype, x-fragile, fibrous cystic, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Compensations are around 900 to 1000 euros on average, in almost all clinics.

The treatment for ovodonation It is simple, first a cycle of contraceptives is done and the doctor tells you the day to leave. Then being performs an ultrasound. When the rule goes down you have to start to prick some subcutaneous injections twice a day in the gut, which do not hurt anything because they are like insulin needles.

You have to continue with them for an average of two weeks and in the meantime you have to go to the clinic every two or three days to do ultrasound and blood tests to assess estradiol levels.

When the follicles grow enough, puncture is scheduled. You have to go on an empty stomach, and first of all you take a strain. In the operating room, they put a way and anesthesia. The extraction is done while the patient is asleep and after about twenty minutes the woman is in the room. Normally, and as a precaution, it remains under observation for a while, while the drip of serum ends and after breakfast the donor can go home.

Normally the process in the clinic lasts about two and a half hours.

After about ten days the donor returns to have the period and the entire process of ovodonation treatment It is terminated.

Video: What are the requirements for egg donation? (July 2024).