María del Carmen and Antonio, the most frequent names in Spain

We are taking a tour of the most frequent baby names in recent years. However, if we focus not only on the names of babies but of all people In Spain, what is the most frequent name? María del Carmen and Antonio They take the palm.

Lucia and Daniel, Alejandro and María or Pablo and Paula are some of the most used names in recent years for babies. And, although Carmen and Antonio also appear in the list of the most positions in 2008, not among the top positions (Maria appears in second place). This is what we can discover if we use this tool that we talked about a few weeks ago and that serves to know the frequencies of the names.

According to data from the National Statistics InstituteMaría del Carmen is the most frequent female name in Spain, and the same goes for Antonio among men. Of course, these data vary in different provinces and also, as we say, in the case of newborns.

For example, if we are in Álava, the most frequent is that a baby be called Iker, in Melilla, Mohamed, in Córdoba, Rafael and in Girona, Marc. Among the girls, Salma is imposed in Ceuta and Melilla, in Vizcaya, Ane and in Barcelona, ​​Paula.

So if we never remember someone's name ... there are many possibilities of being called Mari Carmen or Antonio. It seems that, although looking for a unique name for our baby is an upward trend, we are still traditional.