"To continue learning", educational material for children

"To continue learning" is an educational material for parents, teachers and children, a collection for all levels of schooling, composed of proposals for activities corresponding to the areas of Language, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences.

It is a material prepared by the Didactic Resources Unit of the Ministry of Education of Argentina, some booklets and a set of sheets that accompany them. They include a selection of exercises, experiences, problems, texts to work in the classroom that for the initial level, which is what we are interested in, is thought for children up to five years old.

The proposed activities are explained step by step, and you can give us many ideas to carry them out with our children, they are not necessarily for school. Collect leaves from the trees, learn animals, listen to stories, make soap bubbles, crafts, hobbies ... are some of the fun proposals in this teaching material.

The pictures carry information on central themes of each of the teaching areas, through various types of images and texts. The booklets include the contents developed in the sheets and infographics, slogans for classroom work and didactic guidelines for a better reading and interpretation of the graphic components included in them.

The topics included are very varied, ranging from the entrance to the school, the family and the square, to books, recipes, animals ... The material, both for the teacher and for the student, can be downloaded in format pdf. from here.

The material for Early Childhood Education consists of 48 pages in total, but it is not necessary to print them all, since many pages are instructions or introduction to the proposals. You can start by printing the activities that interest us most for our little ones, some for coloring, others for joining with arrows ...

In short, some highly recommended tokens to take a look. Surely the little ones will enjoy the "Continue learning" teaching material, which serves both teachers and parents who want their children to learn while having fun.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (June 2024).