The desire to learn finds no obstacle: the "children of cable" in Colombia

I was speechless to see the pitiful conditions under which these children have to go to school. The desire to learn overcomes all obstacles, including a cliff through its base riding a huge zip line that crosses it from the heights.

The images show a report made in Colombia and titled "Los Niños del Cable". They risk their lives to get to school, from going through a road through which cars run at high speed to jump into the cable. An amazing and unsustainable situation, so I'm surprised that the authorities have done nothing to solve it.

Children, who live in a mountainous region with few resources, have to go through an 800 meter long cable to overcome 200 meters of unevenness with nothing more than improvised harnesses, a rusty pulley and a rustic handbrake.

The chronicler "Pirry" is addressed to children, who by the way answer in a very polite way, to learn how they take this unusual mode of transport to school. Children take it naturally and ensure they are not afraid. Even the most risky athlete would think twice ... The face of the presenter is quite significant when he sees the little ones throw themselves on the cable, also when they do it two by two ...

The region does not have good transport routes, and other adult inhabitants use the cable for their jobs. In the video above you can see the report. Here I leave the link to another YouTube video with better quality images, although it is in English.

It seems to me a painful and obviously very risky situation, and I wonder how many children in many other places would consider going to school with only half the difficulties that these Children of Colombia, the "Children of Cable". But what worries me most is that they continue to move in that way risking their lives and that nothing is done to prevent it.

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