White garlic with grapes. Recipe for pregnant women

Many times we look for and accept delighted all the modern and novel, leaving aside the classic for looking old and bad. This happens in any aspect of life and yet our grandmothers also knew what they were doing. An example of this is this traditional recipe that we present today White Garlic with grapes.

Is very refreshing, very nutritious and very tasty. It is a dish that is known in many regions of the country, with hundreds of variants, we have chosen this one because it seems more interesting for a pregnant woman than some of the others.

White garlic with grapes gives us Vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and omega-3.

The ingredients

200 grams of black grape, 150 grams of raw almonds without ground skin, 1/2 clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 5 tablespoons of olive oil, the crumb of a quarter-bar of hard bread, 1 tomato, water, salt, cold water

The preparation

We remove the crust from the bread and soak the bread crumb with cold water and place it in the bowl where we will crush everything.

Add almonds, tomatoes, 1/2 clove garlic, a pinch of salt, vinegar, oil and a little water to the same bowl. We crush everything until there is a very fine paste.

We add cold water until we have the thickness that we like from 3/4 to 1 liter approximately. We try dressing and add more if we see that it is accurate.

Preparation time | 15 minutes Difficulty | Low


We serve cold keeping in the fridge until serving time.

We put the White garlic in bowls and we distribute in each of them the black grapes very clean

This recipe is classified in what are cold soups, so it can serve as a first course, although it is normal to have it prepared in the fridge and drink it the same as we normally do with gazpacho.

Video: Pregnant Women Eat Watermelon, This Can Happened to Your Baby! (July 2024).