How do children learn to negotiate?

A definition of negotiate The dictionary of the Royal Academy of Language is as follows: "Deal with diplomatic channels, from power to power, an issue". It is very interesting to bring this definition to the reality of children because conflict resolution will be basic to their coexistence and socialization capabilities.

How can we make it easier for children to learn to resolve their conflicts diplomatically? The objective would be to resort to crying, tantrums or aggressions in the least number of occasions to resolve their discrepancies with both other children and adults. Let's reflect on some aspects that can help you achieve this goal.

  • To negotiate you learn by negotiating. It is necessary that conflict situations arise so that children can learn to handle them, although we must try to give them at the best time: when the child is rested, with a calm mood and the object of the conflict is not too valuable for him (a favorite toy, a treat or other significant thing).
  • As the SAR says: "from power to power". We cannot teach children to negotiate, we must create the right context for them to learn for themselves. If the child gets used to the adult acting as a mediator, he will always try to use him when he has difficulties. We must anticipate conflicts that will not be resolved before they occur and not act unless it is essential.
  • Tolerance to frustration is the basis of social relationships. Children start from an intellectual period of selfishness that is necessary for their development. They have to be aware that they are important and that they can interact with the environment and with the people around them. But it is no less true that they need to understand that they are not omnipotent. It is important to stand firm before the rules and allow them to resolve their own conflicts. If they learn to give up some things without suffering, it will be an acquisition that will help them in their social life.

In summary, my advice is not to avoid conflict situations, but to take care of them so that they occur in the best circumstances and serve as a model to face those that occur in the future, Learning to negotiate the solution.

Video: Learning about negotiation in play (July 2024).