Reactions to the announcement of Flex (III)

Once published the letter that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago written by Dr. Bajo Arenas, President of the SEGO, the reactions to his inexplicable attack towards home delivery did not wait. The most forceful and well endorsed by data has been published by Dr. Maria Fuentes, who is a member of the Nacer en Casa Association, as well as founder of the Titania team in Barcelona and Director of the Holistic Health School Consuelo Ruiz. flex ad Keep moving reactions.

She points out that be born at home It is not scientifically proven to be dangerous for the mother and the baby, but quite the opposite, the evidence indicates that it is safer than hospital delivery.

The World Health Organization indicates that one of the most important points to take into account to achieve safety in childbirth is that the mother feels safe, and the home is an ideal place for it if there are no problems that indicate care specialized in a hospital.

The British Journal published a study that revealed that mortality rates in hospital or home births they were equivalent and the Nacer en Casa Association also pointed out the same evidence, about 5,000 women, and added caesarean section rates, after transfer, enviable (5%) and episotomies (5%).

Low-risk home deliveries involve lower intervention rates, caesarean sections, episotomies and other problems They also represent a considerably lower health expenditure and, because they occur in a more relaxed environment, they achieve satisfaction rates on the experience of women and their families close to 95%.

In addition, we know perfectly well that the model of delivery care It works perfectly in many developed countries. Therefore, the criticisms that, taking advantage of the announcement, made Dr. Bajo Arenas fall on all sides. The truth, mothers deserve your apology.

Video: The Hashira Flex. Demon Slayer Ep 20 Reaction (July 2024).