This is the form to claim the return of the IRPF of your maternity or paternity benefit

From today They can request the return of the IRPF all fathers and mothers who have enjoyed permission of maternity or paternity paid in 2014 and 2015.

Those who were parents in 2016 and 2017 may claim it from January. Those who have benefited from this benefit in 2018 will be regularized in the 2018 Income campaign.

It is possible to apply online on the website of the Tax Agency (AEAT), or submitted the form in any of its offices.

In Babies and moreHacienda will also return to the parents the IRPF of paternity leave

Claim Model: GZ283

The Treasury has already provided the form that will have to be completed for the procedure, only for parents of those born between 2014 and 2015.

Where do I find it?

He Model GZ283 You can find it in the electronic headquarters of the AEAT website, in the 2014 Income Tax Return, entering the rectification of Tax Management self-assessments. It appears as: Maternity / paternity benefit. Presentation of IRPF rectification request

You can download the form here (by clicking on the arrow to the right at the bottom of the document):

Form GZ283 Return IRPF Maternity / Paternity by Lola on Scribd

How to fill it out?

According to the AEAT:

The form can be submitted through the electronic headquarters of the Tax Agency using the RENØ system (reference number for rental services), Cl @ vePIN or Electronic Certificate.

The reference number (RENØ) can be requested on the AEAT website on the Internet indicating the following information:

  • ID number and its validity date.
  • Box 450 of the 2016 income statement or the last five digits of a bank account in which the interested party appears as the holder, if he did not submit the 2016 income statement.

Alternatively, the paper form for its presentation in any of the AEAT registration offices, although the use of this form is not valid to record data not included in it, since computerized processing of these additional data is not possible.

In this case, the use of this form must be replaced by a letter describing in detail the concurrent circumstances, accompanied, where appropriate, by the corresponding documentation.

You only need the baby's date of birth and the bank account number where you want to receive the amount of the refund. If the Tax Agency requires more data, they will be sent to the corresponding agencies.

It is also not necessary to attach a Social Security certificate that accredits it, since the AEAT has already requested this data from the Social Security and has it.

Who can claim?

The Treasury has estimated that the average return of this benefit around 1,600 euros for maternity and 383 paternity", and will have an expense of" around 1,200 million euros.

  • Only women and men who have enjoyed their permission in the years may request it 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Parents of children born in 2014 and 2015 may do so starting today. Parents of children born in 2016 and 2017 will have to wait until January to request the return.

If the income was received in more than one year, the rectification of the income tax return for each year must be requested.

In addition, the Tax Agency explains that "after knowledge of the Supreme Court ruling, the National Institute of Social Security has stopped practicing withholdings on benefits paid."

Those with an annual salary of less than 18,000 euros will hardly notice not having to pay for their maternity benefit. That is to say: according to José María Mollinedo, general secretary of the technicians union of the Ministry of Finance, Gestha, "at a lower salary, lower retention of companies in their payrolls and therefore less or no refund of personal income tax".

In fact, 83% of working mothers receive salaries below 18,400 euros per year. The technician explains, so that we understand it, that the companies calculate the withholdings on the income that they really expect to pay in those eight months, so that amount is reduced to 12,300 euros, an amount for which no retentions are usually made, Therefore there are no returns.

In Babies and more The form for the return of personal income tax is almost ready, although it will only affect 17% of mothers

Mothers and fathers who want to request any help or subsidy from public administrations and whose concession depends on the declared income, are also entitled to a rectification of their declaration in the year they received the benefit, even if this does not imply monetary return.

A lower income can help, for example, in the allocation of places in schools, school or dining scholarships, rental assistance or the right of access to a protected home.

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