WHO launches a campaign to encourage parents to vaccinate their children

These days it is taking place in 36 countries the IV European Vaccination Week, which seeks to spread the message of the convenience of childhood vaccination.

A video on YouTube (in English, we can see it on these lines), reinforced with messages spread through social networks such as Facebook and the website www.euro.who.int/eiw2009, they encourage European parents to vaccinate their children.

They warn that in certain sectors the skepticism about the need for vaccination has allowed the spread of misrepresented information, facilitated by discussions especially on the Internet in which this position is maintained against vaccination, or in favor of free vaccination.

WHO notes that in Europe, 423,000 children were left unvaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. In the case of measles, 633,000 children did not receive the first dose of the vaccine last year, which is the worrying figure of the appearance of a new case of measles every hour. If an unvaccinated child comes into contact with infected people in their school, there is a 90% chance that the child will get sick.

It is true that vaccines may carry some risk, but these are minimal risks. Especially if we compare with the advantages that most children do get vaccinated, we realize that we have left great epidemics behind in time, thanks to vaccination.

Unfortunately, there are still countries where there are no vaccines, and deaths from diseases that in the first world are considered outdated are the order of the day.

Video: Parent's launch campaign to encourage Men ACWY uptake (July 2024).