The Playmobil pirate ship of two Scottish brothers who has been sailing the seas of the world for a year

The adventure that any child would like to live has become a reality for Ollie and Harry Ferguson, two eight-five-year-old Scottish brothers who they launched their pirate ship from Playmobil to the sea which, although it seems incredible, has been sailing the seas of the world for a year.

With the help of their parents, they built and dropped their pirate ship equipped with a GPS to have it located at all times. Since May, the small boat has traveled thousands of kilometers, has crossed the Atlantic Ocean and is currently off the coast of Guyana, in South America.

Once upon a time there was a pirate ship ...

How is it possible for a toy ship to be able to "survive" seas and oceans? The ship, which the children baptized with the name of "The Adventure" ("The Adventure"), has been adapted to withstand as much time as possible.

A counterweight has been added to help you stay afloat and your helmet has been filled with polystyrene to improve buoyancy. But despite these modifications, nobody expected that he would travel the world for a year.

Sailing the seas a year ago

In May 2017, the ship was launched by the brothers to the North Sea in Peterhead, a town on the Scottish coast, in the hope that it could reach Dundee (160 kilometers). But 49 days later they received the message from a family that had found the boat on a beach in Hanstholm, Denmark, who threw it back into the sea.

Then he was rescued by a sailor in Rosso, Sweden and then to the shores of Norway, and every time he reached a shore, someone found him and threw him again. The Adventure carries a written message asking anyone who finds it to throw it back into the sea.

A Norwegian ship took him to Mauritania so that he could explore other seas, and at the end of last year, the Playmobil ship launched from the coast of Mauritania, in the Atlantic Ocean, to continue his exciting adventure.

Nowadays It is located on the coast of Guyana, in South America, and heads towards the Bahamas.

The family has created the Track our adventure website where you can track the location of the pirate ship and update the status of the boat on their Facebook page called "The days are just packed", where they have made a list of 500 adventures that the brothers want to fulfill. Among them, keep watching how your pirate ship sails the seas of the world.

Via | Central oddity
In Babies and more | They sell their house and their possessions and go on a trip around the world with their five children. Giving children less toys allows them to be more creative

Video: A Playmobil boat crosses the seas of the globe for almost a year (July 2024).