The youngest mother in the world

The youngest mother in the world
Her name is Lina Medina and she had her first child with five years of age. A few days ago the shocking story of a British boy who seems to have been a father at age 13 has reached the media. Teenage pregnancies are a worrying issue, and even more so, when the parents are still children or the mothers, very young, have suffered a violation.

Lina presented an extreme case of precocious puberty and had begun to menstruate at two years. She was a mother in 1939 at five years, seven months and 21 days. His son Gerardo was a baby who weighed 2.7 kilos and was 48 centimeters tall. He was raised as Lina's brother although he came to know the truth over time.

Lina lived in a small town in Peru. When he was five years old, his belly grew so great that the sorcerers of his town blamed their evil on a snake or evil spirits. Her father took her to the nearest city, where, discarded a tumor, the truth was found out. Lina was in an advanced state of gestation.

Her father was imprisoned but in the end there was no data to suggest that she was the culprit, and it was never known who had assaulted her.

Lina Medina is still the youngest mother in the world of which we have news. His story, of silence and poverty, since he never received help of any kind, is shocking.

Lina's story tells us about the sexual abuse that millions of children suffer. She got pregnant but there are many of us who will never know anything, but who will carry their lives the weight of aggression and fear. If the data we handle is true, we all know adults who suffered in their childhood and also, in our environment, there are children who are suffering right now.

Video: Top 10 Youngest Mothers In The World (July 2024).