The kangaroo method in the news

For those of us who talk about babies every day, the kangaroo method is not something new. We already know that this treatment for premature babies from Colombia is very beneficial for babies, but the important thing is that all parents and future parents know it. Therefore, it has been a great satisfaction that a newscast will spend a few minutes to make it known.

Recall that the kangaroo method is to place the premature baby as long as possible on the mother's chest, thus favoring skin-to-skin contact between them, allowing the baby to listen to the mother's heartbeat, which can be fed with milk maternal In short, prioritize human contact over impersonal incubators. Why, what could be better for a newborn baby than the warmth of his mother? Exactly, nothing.

Fortunately, in 40 Spanish centers the kangaroo method is practiced and continues to be extended, perhaps because among other things its costs are minimal, but both parties benefit. For parents it is a very satisfactory experience because it allows them to participate in the recovery of their baby, especially the mother, while premature babies undergoing this practice better tolerate the medical interventions they perform, the pain they cause and recover more. quickly.

Undoubtedly, the implementation of the kangaroo method and talk about it is a great step in the humanization of the treatment of premature babies.


Video: What Is 'Kangaroo Care?' (June 2024).