The grandmothers

As every month, psychotherapist Laura Gutman publishes an article in her newsletter that is a deep reflection on the role of women. This month he talked about the role of grandmothers, "wise women.

With the enthusiasm and ambivalence of becoming grandmothers, mature women are preparing to face this new stage, trying to offer our grandchildren what perhaps we could not offer our children: available time.

Grandmothers have been part of the history of Humanity. In reality, menopause is an adaptation that is the human being to their needs. Young women, given the complexity of the puppy breeding Human and the necessary time to devote, you need to learn and be supported by other women with experience and sensitivity.

Human women began to stop having children at a certain age but to survive this cessation of reproductive activity, something unusual in other primates, becoming the wise women who helped and taught recent mothers.

However, "grandfather" has a much fuller and more necessary goal, which is the function of transmitting the secrets of motherhood to younger women, offering our knowledge about the inner world, since now we don't need to feed the child, but we overcome that role by spiritually nourishing the community of women who become mothers.

The Young mothers are still in need of grandmothers, not only for children to go to work, but to grow by their side, receiving the love and understanding that they may not have received. Being mothers also prepares us for the day we will be grandmothers. If we think about it, we will see that our mistakes will one day help us to take better care of our daughters when they are the recent mothers, being part of a chain of love between women that links us with the first grandmothers of history.

Official site | Laura Gutman

Video: The GrandMothers : Live in Cologne Germany, July 15th 1993 video (July 2024).