Seven simple measures to protect children from the sun

The best gift that can be given to a child this summer is a few days of beach or pool well protected from the sun.

Each time we learn more about how dangerous it is to be exposed to the sun happily. It is known that sunburn in childhood increases the risk of skin cancer in adulthood.

Being well protected from the sun is a simple task. Behold Seven simple but important steps to take for children to enjoy the desired days outdoors:

1. Always use sunscreen for babies. Hypoallergenic, PABA-free protectors with a +45 sun protection factor can be used. The protector should be reapplied several times a day: after bathing or when they sweat a lot.

2.Protect children with a shirt in addition to the sun lotion is not over.

3. Do not forget the head, ears, neck. Hat, caps that cover the head and if possible the ears and neck that are very sensitive areas. 4. You also have to protect your feet. There are slippers for the beach that, in addition to protecting the upper part of the feet, also protect the plant from hot sand.

5. Children also need to protect the eyes. Approved glasses will take care of the view of the damages that can be caused by exposure to UV rays.

6. Never forget a good, wide umbrella that a large shadow is indispensable on the beach. Young children should be under it whenever possible.

7. Avoid exposing them at the least recommended hours: from 10-11 am to 15pm. Remember that even if you are well protected, sun exposure should not be for many hours.

Children under six months should never be exposed to the sun. Starting children to build healthy habits in front of the star king, is something that our children will appreciate for the rest of their lives.

Video: How Sunscreen Works (July 2024).