How to help you concentrate

There are children who have a hard time keeping their attention on a single task. In fact my oldest daughter, almost 4 years old, is somewhat dispersed, so I wanted to investigate what strategies can be applied to learn to concentrate, to start something and finish it without distractions.

The ability to concentrate is different in one child than in another. Some are able to watch an hour and a half movie without taking their eyes off the screen while others barely last 10 minutes while wandering around the house. Genetic factors influence, but the stimuli that the child receives from their environment are also very important.

For help you improve your concentration power There are some tips we can follow.

● First of all, provide the child with an environment without distractions so that he is able to concentrate solely on the task he is going to do. Turn off the TV, remove toys from around and create a quiet and relaxed environment.

● It is also important to choose the most appropriate time of day. Try to make it a time when you are not too tired.

● We must start with short time tasks that we will be extending. For example, coloring a drawing without abandoning it, first in 5 minutes, then in 10, then in 15. To do this we can use an hourglass or one of needles, teaching you that the work will have to be finished when the needle reaches X number . The intention is not to press them, but to be able to start and finish a task in a period of time.

● Read books and look at magazines with them from beginning to end and comment on them. Listening to a story forces you to keep your attention on words and illustrations. Then ask simple questions about the story's plot.

● Puzzles are ideal for exercising concentration. Help him assemble it, first with the simplest, then with bigger puzzles, teaching him to complete the edge and once done, the interior.

● Watch movies with children and comment on them. With the company of the parents they will feel more animated. Start with short story chapters to gradually extend the duration.

As I said before, it is normal for young children to disperse, although it is advisable to always be alert about their behavior because there are more severe disorders related to learning such as attention deficit that treated in time, can significantly improve their abilities.

Video: Study Music Alpha Waves: Relaxing Studying Music, Brain Power, Focus Concentration Music, 161 (July 2024).