World Week for a respected birth: May 8-12, 2008 in Mexico and Argentina

Awareness and struggle for a better birth for the mother and the baby is not a whim of a particular country but a need for women around the world. Proof of this is the World Week of Respected Childbirth (SMAR) that has been celebrated since 2004 during the month of May in different countries, from the initiative of the AFAR, French Association for Respected Childbirth.

Each year they focus on a specific topic. Since 2004 these have been: the episiotomy, the positions to give birth, the time to be born and the love environment during childbirth. This year the theme is the uselessness of separating the baby from his mother and father after birth. In France they will be used as slogans: "It's our baby", "Born together". In Spain: "Let them not separate you", a campaign that we already showed you some time ago. In some South American countries it is proposed that "Not separating can be vital" and "Immediate and continuous contact. The key to a good start."

What is not to separate?

  • Secure the skin to skin contact immediate and constant between mother and newborn
  • Do not cut the umbilical cord until it has transferred all the blood from the placenta
  • Facilitate the start of breastfeeding in the first minutes of life
  • Respect the intimacy of the moment, do not interrupt the flow of hormones that is produced, especially from oxytocin, the love hormone
  • Do not break the loving dance of the creature that has just been born and its mother and let it start a magical relationship.

Y the reasons so as not to separate, there are many but above all: the mother's instinct that after gestating her child for 9 months she needs to see him, have him and feel him, the baby's right to protect his mother and the scientific evidence that they are proving to be best for newborns at all levels: temperature, emotional well-being, ease of breastfeeding, etc.

On the official website you also have information about what a respected birth is, the emotional needs of the mother and the baby and the Decalogue of the Pro-Rights of Birth Platform.

As we said in the post of "Moms of the world": what unites us is much more than what separates us and the feminine social movement in favor of the humanization of childbirth and conscious motherhood is unstoppable and universal.

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