L'oréal, mothers and children's dream: "because your mother is worth it"

I was pleasantly surprised by the campaign you are doing L'ORÉAL for Mother's Day, and not because of the creams but because of the messages they release. They present four products for moms from 30, 35, 40 and 50 years. Those under 30 I guess they will have very good skin because they don't take them into account. And these are some of the slogans:

  • To all mothers the children take their sleep away. Why do they have such a good face?
  • Because he loves that nobody notices how many nights he has been without sleep
  • Because he loves taking care of himself almost as much as taking care of you

What has struck me is that now the market is interested in serving and console our children at night even to sell creams that erase the signs of fatigue. But I think that it is already a very positive step that publicly assess the night care of the baby / children when many books, professionals and social culture still convey that it is normal for all children to sleep for many hours in a row (without disturbing) and that if They wake up, they tease you.

One more step in favor of humanizing parenting. Although the challenge will be that this also happens no consumerism in between.

On the web the contest stands out: Tell us why your mother is worth it, where you have to leave a message about it and raffle a kit of products.

There are messages as emotional as these:

"Words cannot replace a hug but they serve to thank you for the greatest gift you have given me: LIFE"

"My mother is the light that is in my heart. It gives me strength when I lose them. It gives me encouragement to continue living."

Hopefully my son will also express something so beautiful about me one day! tons of those creams.