Learn with Abby: Human body

In Learn with Abby: To read, we unveiled a new software developed by CMY Multimedia that was outlined as a very interesting tool to teach children to read, vocalize, listen or understand simple stories. It is a program aimed at children aged 3 to 8 years that is fun and educational.

Today we know another new tool also developed by the same company, it is about Learn with Abby: Human body. Oriented to children of the ages mentioned above, the new program is emerging as one of the ideal gifts for this Christmas, knowing how our body works and why it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, is the basis of this new software. The program comprises several levels, with which we can select the one that suits the child and the added advantage is that if we buy it when the child is three years old, he can use it for a few years being of great educational utility. The new software is prepared for the demands and problems that may arise in the child, an intelligent help system will provide the necessary clues to finally find the solution.

These types of games are always very well received, since they enhance the intelligence of our children with the games, puzzles and questions or situations that must be solved, we must bear in mind that this game is the result of the work of expert pedagogues with a single mission , enhance the intellectual development of children in a fun and entertaining way.

Learn with Abby: Human body is now available at a price of around 20 euros.

Video: Science Today with Dan and Abby (July 2024).