Less chance of suffering from multiple sclerosis with sun exposure during childhood

According to research conducted by the Department of Preventive Medicine of the University of Southern California (USA), a childhood in which the good weather is enjoyed, outdoor activities and sun exposure, reduces the risks of suffering in a future multiple sclerosis.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease whose origin is in the central nervous system, the myelin responsible for protecting nerve fibers is affected and exposes areas called demyelination plaques, leaving nerve fibers unprotected. In the study, data pertaining to 79 pairs of twins were taken, in each pair one of the siblings suffered multiple sclerosis. In principle, because of the genetic situation as brothers, they should be equally prone to suffer from this disease, although it was not.

The researchers deepened and carried out various questionnaires that included questions such as the time they spent outdoors, sunbathing or the time they spent locked in their homes. The results showed a tonic followed in all twins, the brother who spent more time outdoors and enjoying the sun had up to 50% less risk of suffering from this disease.

The final conclusion, published in the scientific journal Neurology, shows that there may be a relationship between the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun and the protection against demyelination resulting from the body's immune response against these external agents. The truth is that many of the diseases suffered in adulthood have their roots in childhood, so it is so important that children maintain a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

Anyway, it is a single study and also statistical, it will be necessary to wait for further conclusive research.

Video: Sun Exposure Slashes Multiple Sclerosis Risk (July 2024).