Childhood obesity in the US, another step to reduce it

The fight against childhood obesity in the US is becoming increasingly palpable, in recent months we have been able to learn about new initiatives such as the introduction of vending machines that give parents what children eat, the edition of new guides for introduce nutrition standards in schools or studies have been done that show the possibility of changing the nutritional habits of children throughout a city.

Now we know One more step in the fight against American childhood obesity, it is the restriction of the advertising that was carried out on some of the products that promote childhood obesity, such as sugary cereals, potato chips or chocolate bars belonging to 11 important brands in the country. The companies have committed and decided to stop advertising about the products mentioned and that they make. Of course, this voluntary commitment is made by American companies to prevent ads from being legally restricted, which means that they have felt obligated in some way. If not, we do not believe that they would have taken this step and less when these products provide these companies with enormous benefits not caring, until now (in a mandatory way), the alarming figures of childhood obesity in the country.

Be that as it may, the step that is taken, contributes notably to the fact that American children and subsequent generations cease to be so influenced by advertisements of insane products.

In any case, the most effective way is to translate the way of advertising through legislation, a similar example we have in Spain, despite there being a voluntary commitment and having developed a code of self-regulation on content and childhood of the chains of Spanish television, this is continually infringed, being a useless and absurd tool.

Video: Preventing Childhood Obesity Eating Better, Moving More (July 2024).