Being a girl in Morocco seems like a punishment

Although the laws prohibit children under 15 years of age from working in Morocco, it is a common practice for children to work reaching incredible limits, girls with 5 years of age call for work during days similar to those performed by adults, being mistreated by the employer if the work done is not satisfactory. The domestic exploitation of children is a proven fact and for the moment, the laws in force do not manage to stop those who abuse children.

Being a girl in Morocco and in some countries of the African continent seems like a punishment, the rights to decent food, education, health, etc., seem not to exist, although thanks to the efforts of some institutions and NGOs, some minors manage to enjoy a "privileged" situation with respect to other children. An article published in Rebellion shows us some testimonies of girls now a little older than they tell us about their lives and the situation they had to go through. Worst of all, little can be done to change it if the Moroccan government itself is no longer involved in the solutions that can be taken.

The latest report on the number of children working in Morocco dates from 2001 and by then the figures reflected some 22,000 children working in the country and of these, 59% were under 15 years old. The fault is mostly the parents of these children for allowing them to work, since they do not mind enslaving their children on days that can reach 16 hours a day for a miserable salary that is between 4 and 11 cents, This is shown in the study "Inside the house, outside the law: Abuse of child domestic workers in Morocco" prepared by the human rights organization Human Rights Watch.

Morocco is a country with a very high rate of child labor, a very low school attendance and great permission for this to continue in the same way. Many laws are enacted in this country, and even the rights of children are ratified, but only a few try to really change the situation.

Today being a child in Morocco can be a punishment, with greater weight if it is a girl, we just hope that soon they can change the circumstances and that finally the smile returns to the face of the children.

Video: ---a thief punishment (July 2024).