Babysitter Babies, know the Mother Kangaroo Method

The method that humanizes the care of newborns, improves their development, provides physical and emotional well-being to babies, thus reads the subtitle of the book Babysitter Babies, a method conceived in Colombia at the end of the 70s and that is increasingly being established in more countries, such as Sweden, Holland, Italy, United States and even in Spain, as our companion Dolores informed us, is already practiced at Hospital 12 de October of Madrid.

Natalie Charpak is the pediatrician, and author of this book, pioneer in applying the Mother Kangaroo Method, through its reading it shows us that the warmth of a mother, skin-to-skin contact, favors the development of the newborn, especially suitable for premature babies or with low birth weight.

This method in which the mother puts her baby on the chest, regulates the temperature of the baby, favors the heart rate, reduces stress, strengthens intimate contact between mother and child and something very important, promotes breastfeeding and prolongs it . Thanks to it, you can avoid the cold incubator, be with the baby uninterruptedly and make it improve your health and well-being only with love and human warmth.

It is certainly a book that we should all read, knowing all its benefits and the support of WHO, this method will be extended.

What do you think about him?

Video: How to Kangaroo Care with your baby (July 2024).