A study suggests that breastfeeding improves social status

A study prepared by a group of researchers from the University of Bristol (United Kingdom) indicates that breastfed babies gain greater chances in the future of reaching a higher social status. For this conclusion, the progress of 1,414 babies born in the period between 1937 and 1939 was tracked during 60 years of life.

According to the study's conclusions, breastfed babies obtained up to 41% more likely to reach a good status compared to babies who were bottle fed.

Breastfeeding a baby does not make class distinctions, although at that time, the practice of breastfeeding was established in the middle class, rich families, having more means and perhaps more damages since they did not have the knowledge we now have about recommended and beneficial that it turns out that the baby is breastfed, breastfed babies with formula milk. The study indicates that there may be a relationship between breastfeeding and the IQ, we certainly do not rule out this option, since by feeding the baby better by providing the necessary nutrients and defenses through breast milk, these aspects can influence the health of the child and in the proper formation of all its organs, including the clear brain, with more notoriety than in a breastfed baby with formula milk.

The longer a baby was breastfed, the chances of increasing social status increased. Even within the same family they observed this difference, a son who was breastfed increased his chances of growing socially compared to a brother raised with artificial milk by 16%.

A conclusion that we obtain from this study is the following: a breastfed child improves his healthy and intellectual expectations thanks to good nutrition and that is, breast milk is the best feeding option for a baby.

Video: The Breast Feeding Boost (July 2024).