Emotional education in schools

Today in the news we have known an initiative that has been carried out in a school in Barcelona for three years and that shows that it has given good results.

The method of Emotional education This school is developed by 10-year-old children, who “sponsor” those who begin their school stage, 3-year-olds, accompanying them and helping them to integrate and interact with the rest of the children.

Many will think what the news wants to clarify, that it is about preventing cases of bulling or bullying, but this is not their sole purpose, there is a good of humanity that is often unknown, avoided or avoided. omitted, it is about emotional education, an educational process that aims to enhance emotional development as an indispensable complement to cognitive development. In principle we might think that the “godparents” do not have time to play in school, activities with their classmates could be lost and the teachers disregard their work. But on the other hand there is what we have already mentioned, emotional intelligence, as we already told you in the post of the same name, is a skill that allows us to know and manage our own feelings, interpret or face the feelings of others, feel satisfied and be effective in life, while creating mental habits that favor our own productivity.

What do you think?

Video: Social-Emotional Learning: What Is SEL and Why SEL Matters (July 2024).