Increase more than two kilos of weight per month during pregnancy, may increase the chances of suffering from hypertension

The Hypertensive Club of the Spanish Society of Hypertension suggests that increase more than two kilos a month during pregnancy, it can increase the chances of suffering from hypertension.

Hypertension in pregnancy, we already know that it can cause damage to both the mother and the baby, so it is advisable to keep a strict control of blood pressure during pregnancy, even, and as the Hypertensive Club coordinator says, All women who wish to become pregnant should know what their blood pressure figures are.

A woman may be hypertensive before becoming pregnant, which will require more follow-up by the specialist, but hypertension may also develop during pregnancy, which is called gestational hypertension, which usually disappears shortly after delivery, but that It also requires care for the proper development of the fetus. Problems that may result from high blood pressure must be prevented and for this it is necessary to maintain control and lead a healthy life, in terms of exercise and nutrition, in the case of having a family history, strict control will be necessary.

Obesity can also trigger a problem of high tension in pregnancy, so it is also advisable to lose weight before looking for the baby.

They do not show studies or statistics in this news, but the recommendations are still useful, and we repeat again, both for the mother and for the future baby, that we should not only take care of him, he thinks that his life depends on yours and to trigger a happy ending, you will need to take care of yourself even before conception.

Video: Who are at risk of Pregnancy induced Hypertension? - Dr. Harsha Reddy. Cloudnine Hospitals (July 2024).