Children of parents with eating disorders are more likely to develop them

During the Seminar on Eating Disorder: anorexia and bulimia nervosa that takes place in Valencia until next Friday, and in which leading experts from these disorders, both Spanish and foreign, participate, children of parents who suffer from eating disorders are more likely to develop them.

According to Mae Lynn Reyes Rodríguez, from the Department of Psychology at the University of Puerto Rico, there is a genetic predisposition to suffer from anorexia, and this increases according to what surrounds the person in question, social pressure, low self-esteem, teasing, etc. .

He also gave the alarm in prevention, since each time, the onset of these disorders occurs in younger people and suggests that caution should be exercised, especially with girls, from 9 years. Any comment or change in our children's behavior should alert us, hopefully we are wrong, but better to prevent. If we notice that her self-esteem has decreased, that she says she is not thin as such a friend, etc., we must make her understand that each person is different and that we should all accept our body. It can also help motivate you to do physical exercise that will greatly benefit you in addition to the obligatory healthy eating.

During the seminar, they gave figures that put goosebumps, 1% of the population suffers from eating disorders, and 5% of young people who suffer from them, usually girls of teenage age, come to resort to suicide.

We hope that a solution can be found to cut this problem at the root, but let's not forget that the work of the parents is paramount.

Video: How Can I Tell if My Child Has an Eating Disorder? (June 2024).