Calcium against hypertension in pregnancy

Apparently take a calcium supplement during pregnancy reduces possible hypertension problems In the future mom. According to the publication in the Cochrane Library, the most benefited women are those who are most at risk of suffering this type of alterations or those who have a very low contribution in their diet of this mineral.

Gestational hypertension usually affects up to 22% of pregnancies and is one of the disorders responsible for some 40,000 deaths a year in the world, threatening the life of the future baby and the mother. For this reason it is very necessary to treat this alteration in order to avoid fatal outcomes.

This conclusion has been obtained after reviewing several studies where it was shown that calcium supplements are important to prevent such alterations. A daily gram of calcium is enough to reduce by 50% the chances of suffering from preeclampsia (increased tension caused by pregnancy) in women at risk, although it is also beneficial for women who do not have any alteration, reducing possible risk up to 38%. Also with hypertension during pregnancy, calcium intake reduces up to 30% the chances of suffering. Calcium brings many benefits for the health of the baby and the mother, it is important to administer the dose of calcium to the body daily, thereby avoiding health problems and the baby may have an adequate development.

At the moment these data must be supported by new studies, since until recently the College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of the United States denied that calcium caused this effect.

It always happens the same, there are always contradictions in the medical field, it would be interesting that the studies were conducted reliably before ruling a verdict. There are already several occasions in which we have seen how they indicated that a certain product was not recommended or did not produce any effect and finally another study showed the opposite.

We must wait until more research is finally done to verify that calcium helps reduce the chances of suffering from preeclampsia or hypertension.

Video: Gestational Hypertension Is Also Caused by Calcium Deficiency (July 2024).