What trimester of pregnancy is better for traveling

Although each pregnancy may develop differently and the physical and psychological state of the future mother may vary, there are common trends in the different trimesters of pregnancy, and some of them are better for traveling. Since we are in holiday season, we will assess which distances, destinations or means of transport are more convenient.

The first trimester is the most delicate, so it is recommended to choose nearby destinations, because even short trips can cause stress. Do not hesitate to consult with your doctor if you need to travel more than 300 kilometers, and if it is convenient to use the plane for the journey to last less. It is possible that the nausea prevents you from having a peaceful trip, to mitigate this discomfort you can use bracelets, tablets or safe patches for the baby.

If you are in the second trimester, you will be more prepared and in a better state to travel, the nausea will have disappeared, as well as the risks of spontaneous abortion, in addition, the volume of your gut is still not uncomfortable. Although this does not remain that you can get tired, so it is convenient that you spend a few minutes to stretch your legs. You should not embark on the trip on an empty stomach and if your appetite gets in the way, remember to drink something light and nutritious, in addition to hydrating yourself by drinking liquids, especially if the transport has air conditioning.

The third trimester can be the most uncomfortable to travel due to the weight gain and the volume of the belly, the fatigue is noted, but surely the holidays well deserve this small sacrifice. What is most necessary is to choose a destination close to home and the medical center that serves you. From the seventh month it is advisable to bring medical documentation, as it can be very useful in case of premature birth.

So you already know that pregnancy does not have to leave you without vacations, destiny is not always as important as the well-being that is sought in a time of rest. Enjoy the summer holidays as a family, but still thinking about the baby that next summer will enjoy with you.

Video: Can You Travel by Air During Pregnancy? 1st, 2nd 3rd Trimester GUIDELINE! (July 2024).