Not force intelligence

Parents always want the best for a child, they expect him to be handsome, intelligent, similar to one of the parents, to be a good child, etc.

Depending on what the parents want for their child, there are mechanisms hidden behind these wishes, they are unconscious but real mechanisms. There may perfectly be a need for control over the child.

When it is expected to be very intelligent, thinking that it will be a whole brain in the future, there are two possibilities behind this desire, or the parents are ambitious or think that the only way for a person to defend themselves from the blows that life holds, It is intelligence.

It may be the case that your child is a true genius, this is a source of pride but each gift has its negative side if it is not properly channeled, a small genius tends to be excluded by the rest of the partners, since they do not identify with the. In addition, it may be the case that the child excludes himself by feeling superior, this fact allows the emotional development of the child at serious risk. Affective development must accompany intellectual development, because otherwise, it can become a rebel and even a problem for its surroundings. It is not good for parents to constantly ask themselves if they stimulate the intelligence of the child enough, affective development is so or more important, that it will allow to channel intelligence and if it's a portentous mind, parents will notice right away.

Do not lose the north, be selfish thinking about how important it is for a child to prove to be intelligent, "it is our genes that reside in this brain", to be continuously trying to enhance and stimulate the child's intelligence is not beneficial for him Not for parents.

All in its proper measure, an adequate development and emotional attention, a fair intellectual stimulation, this is what will allow a child to fully develop all his faculties.

Video: Air Force - Intelligence Officer - Emma (July 2024).