Control baby growth

A baby who is breastfeeding according to his needs suffers a small decrease in his physiological weight and usually grows more than the baby who is fed with formula milk, but from the third month the growth can be reduced and such growth does not take place, within Centiles established.

This is a cause for concern and sometimes they are given to the little add-ons they don't really need. But, how adequate growth is evaluated?, the standard measures are currently used to know the growth curvature, but these measures were developed when the formula lactation was the majority, not the breastfeeding one.

The new tables of the WHO contemplate what the previous tables did not contemplate, in the network we can find a large number of tables to know the percentile of the baby but care, some are not updated and the data do not correspond with the current ones provided by the WHO . In the first months of life, a baby should increase about 170 grams per week, although it is also true that there are children who only increase 125 grams and others exceed the average. In order to know the increase, the table must be drawn from the lowest weight that the child has reached, regardless of the weight he had at the time of delivery. From 4 to 6 months of age, the average weight gain decreases to 130 grams per week and from 6 to 12 months, it is usually at 90 grams, although it also depends on the baby, since there are wide variations.

It is easy to check daily if the child drinks enough milk, just check the number of wet diapers, at least 6 a day and 3 stools at least in 24 hours. We must eliminate the double heavy, which is done before and after the tetada. In the past it was the method used to know if the child had taken enough, but sometimes the proper growth does not correspond to the amount of milk taken. Each baby has its own rhythm, there are those who take all the necessary milk at a stretch and there are those who prefer to drink it little by little and often, but the important thing is that the development is always adequate.

Video: Development of a Baby in Womb. Baby Growth from 3 to 9 Months. Pregnancy Week by Week. Doctors Tv (July 2024).