A special birth

We have a friend who explained to us how the birth of her beautiful girl developed and we thought we would like to share it with all our readers, since it was a special birth, so we decided to ask permission to expose his little story.

He told us that he had left accounts and that he stained a little, had a small fissure in the placenta with which some amniotic fluid escaped. When he went to the hospital, they verified that he had left accounts almost a week and apparently there were still no contractions and it did not seem that the girl decided to be born.

However, given the situation, it was expected that labor would begin at any time, so it was decided that he would be admitted pending the events. Indeed, within a few hours it broke waters. That day her husband accompanied her at all times and felt very supported by him. Thanks to the epidural he felt no pain and as explained by the medical team and especially the midwife behaved phenomenally with them. This could be one of many existing birth stories, although the difference is that the mother could see the birth live.

They placed a large mirror in front of the mother so she could be a spectator of the whole process and see how her daughter appeared. It was a very touching moment for her, she could follow the whole process and feel intensely the birth of her baby.

After birth, still united mother and daughter by the umbilical cord, deposited the girl on her mother's chest. He explained to us with tears in his eyes that it was the most beautiful moment of his life (as has happened to all of us), in fact, the story moved us all.

It was a beautiful story that touched us and we were glad that he shared with us. In this case, the mirror was not the reflection of the soul, it was that of life.

Video: Birth Special Sneak Peek. 19 Kids and Counting (July 2024).