Childhood epilepsy

Following a comment made by one of our readers about the childhood epilepsy, we have investigated a little more about this disease. What is it, what is the cause, the existing types, etc.

Epilepsy is a disease that affects 1 in 150 people and that in most cases begins in childhood. But what is epilepsy ?, It is a chronic disease that is defined by a repetition of crises due to excessive discharges of the electrical activity of neurons. Most of the times, the causes that cause such a disease are unknown, but it is known that many of the cases have a genetic basis or inheritance.

It is necessary to discern of the epilepsy acquired genetically or the one caused by some disease or brain injury, since both cases evolve in different ways. The latter are much more difficult to control and several antiepileptic medications are necessary. When talking about epilepsy you have to discern since not all of them are the same nor do their effects have the same consequences. In addition, the classes of epileptic seizures are different depending on the place of the brain where the electric shocks that we mentioned before occur.

We must consider a child with epilepsy as a normal child and without problems, this is very important since it can feel discriminated against and marginalize, but we refer to cases in which there is no associated pathology or an epilepsy of poor evolution. Although we must bear in mind that an epileptic child must avoid some serious risks for him such as bathing alone or performing a risky sport, saving these aspects, the child must lead a completely normal life.

An epileptic child, depending on the type of epilepsy, can lead a completely normal life, you just have to eliminate complexes and taboos, always trying to normalize the disease because so that it can be overcome, we must start by transmitting to us our children the naturalness of trouble.

Video: Pediatric Epilepsy Syndromes Mayo Clinic (July 2024).