"Not vaccinating your children leaves them vulnerable for a lifetime," the blunt message for parents

We all know that vaccines save lives. And to be more precise, we have the figures given to us by the World Health Organization (WHO) last year: vaccines save two to three million lives each year and it is recognized as the most effective health intervention after water purification and that gives better results.

However, there are still many people who, despite all the evidence, continue to believe in many myths about vaccination, such as that fraud in which they linked vaccines with autism (which was already proven to be false and the article was removed by the same magazine where it was published), taking an anti-vaccine stance.

But a pediatrician disagrees, and tired of seeing how the anti-vaccine movement continues strong despite all the tests, He decided to post a strong message in his office about the risks of not vaccinating children.

Some people think that because a disease is no longer common or recurring, it is not necessary to vaccinate their children, but it is precisely thanks to vaccines, that many diseases have been eradicated. Instead, what happens when people stop vaccinating? We see these diseases return, such as the measles outbreak in Europe that quadrupled last year.

To counter this kind of terrible news, organizations, medical staff and even celebrities, have begun to take measures to show the benefits of vaccines, as well as the consequences of not vaccinating. Recently we discussed the case of Australia, where the government will sanction every 15 days to parents who do not vaccinate their children.

Now, the sign that a pediatrician has placed in his office and that contains a strong and clear message about vaccines, has gone viral. It was Facebook user Sunni Mariah who shared it in her personal account, commenting that she saw it in the pediatrician's office she goes to.

Not vaccinating your children leaves them vulnerable to disease throughout their lives

When your daughter is rubella while pregnant, how are you going to explain that you decided to leave her at risk?

What will you tell him when he calls you and tells you that he has cervical cancer because you decided he didn't need the HPV vaccine?

What will you say to your son, when he tells you he can't have children, thanks to the fact that he had mumps when he was a teenager?

And what will you tell him when he spreads influenza to his grandmother? How will you explain that she will not return from the hospital? Never.

Will you tell them that you thought that these diseases were not so serious? What did you think your organic and homemade food would be enough to protect them?

Do you tell them that you feel it?

The publication makes something clear: Not vaccinating has consequences for life, not only for your children, but for those around them. On a small explanatory note, they comment that the poster was originally written by the Northern Rivers Vaccination Association, an association made up of medical staff, parents and members of the Northern Rivers community in Australia.

Specifically, the author of the text is Dr. Rachel Heap, who tired of all the consequences of the anti-vaccine movement and the deaths she has had to witness because she did not vaccinate, He decided to write that strong message and finally understand that vaccines are not something that should be taken lightly, because not vaccinating affects us all.

The message has gone viral and as expected, has caused a lot of controversy and has been flooded with comments by people of both positions, however, let's always be clear about this: vaccines save lives and not vaccinating leaves your children (and those around them) at risk for a lifetime.

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