Baby Box, the controversy is served

The Baby box It already works in several countries, it is a box that is available to those who have fathered a child who do not want or can not keep, to deposit the newborn without the need for anyone to see or be judged (you must have horchata in the veins so that is the concern).

The system consists of a window and a cubicle in which the baby is deposited. Then the doorbell must be pressed so that the doctor comes to see him and take him to a maternity hospital where the authorities will proceed to the procedures for adoption.

This initiative is already established in Germany, Belgium, Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland, Italy, South Africa and Hungary. This is to ensure that children are not abandoned in unhealthy places and give them the possibility that they can live. Even if they had not developed this idea, unwanted babies could have had an appropriate life as well, since they can always be delivered to the baby for adoption, but the concern of being judged and recognized has led many of these “people” to kill To your own child, throw them in trash containers or downstream tucked into a plastic bag.

For these reasons, many people think that this system will protect the lives of many babies, while detractors say that this measure encourages many mothers to abandon their children. The controversy is served, what do you think?

Video: Controversy over Safe Haven Baby Boxes (July 2024).