To get them to have breakfast

Breakfast is very important for our son, since he has not eaten anything in quite a few hours and to start the day well, nothing better than a good supply of nutrients that will favor his physical and intellectual performance. Breakfast should provide 25% of the calories your child needs throughout the day.

Above all, our child should not be allowed to leave home without breakfast so that his health does not falter. Many children are not hungry early in the day and if we do not wake up well in advance before going to daycare or school, it is almost certain that they will not have enough breakfast. It is important that time is available to be able to eat breakfast comfortably and peacefully. A good technique for the child to have breakfast without having a problem is to make breakfast time more enjoyable by means of a food whim that he likes in particular, but always adequate with breakfast time. There are several food groups that we must take into account when arranging breakfast for our son, the farinaceous food group, dairy products and fruits.

One of the most important is that of the farinaceous, in this group would be cookies, bread and all foods rich in carbohydrates, these are the ones that provide the main source of energy. Together with them, we complement the vitamins and minerals provided by the other groups, a good combination to start the day.

Accustoming our son to breakfast properly is in our hands and our ingenuity. We must make the first intake of the day attractive and develop various combinations that are appealing to you, only then can we guarantee its adequate development and the energy needed to start the day.

Video: Make A Head Freezer Breakfasts: 20 Servings, 3 Meals (July 2024).