The Suzuki Method: musical talent

He Suzuki method It is a teaching method developed by Dr. Shinichi Suzuki that rests on a single idea: all children have musical talent.

Dr. Suzuki observed that babies, from birth, are surrounded by the sounds of their mother tongue; as they grow up, they speak it with great fluency. We all know that expressing and speaking requires great skill, right? What would happen, then, if the children were surrounded by musical sounds in the same way? The answer is simple: they would develop an equally extraordinary ability for music.

Since then, Dr. Suzuki devoted himself to analyzing the language learning process and realized that children always follow certain guidelines: at first, the child gradually gets used to the sounds of the mother tongue (he listens to his mom, dad, grandparents, neighbors, etc.); then, the parents try to get the child to learn words through constant repetition (for example, "mom", "dad", "water", etc.); finally, when the child begins to speak, the parents react with great enthusiasm, encouraging and valuing every little advance; Finally, the child speaks and every time he does better, the pronunciation is perfected and uses the correct constructions.

He called this method the Mother Language Method and, based on the child's deep respect as an individual and on the concept that the skill is learned and not inherited, it led to music. This is how children start making music from an early age. Already with 2 or 3 years the stimuli are offered: listen to music, investigate an instrument, imitate a sound or a rhythm, it is motivated to follow. In the same way as when learning to speak!

Presumably, then, parents have a very important role in training: they attend the lessons, actively participate, learn to prolong the action undertaken in the lesson at home with the same patience they had when they taught their children To speak your language In short, the responsibility of parents is to provide security for their children, but most importantly: tenderness.

The Suzuki Method goes beyond teaching the child to play an instrument. Its purpose is to help you discover your potential in order to learn and be a happy and good person. Training does not seek to produce artists, but to help the child find the enjoyment that derives from music.

Video: The Suzuki Method (July 2024).