Do not miss calcium

We all need this mineral, but the importance of calcium in the feeding of our children It is vital to strengthen your bones in full growth stage.

In addition to being essential for skeletal ossification (a process that lasts up to 20 years), calcium has other functions such as intervening in blood clotting, muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission.

Calcium is not only in milk. The key is a balanced diet, because there are many foods that contain it. Of course, it is found in milk derivatives such as yogurt or cheese, but there are others that we do not take into account such as chickpeas, nuts, broccoli, chard, figs and cereals. The bones are also strengthened by exercising. Playing sports, running, jumping or dancing, contributes to growth. In addition, you need the vitamin D present, for example, in egg yolk or oils so that calcium is assimilated by our body. Sunlight is also necessary, as it helps convert some foods into this vitamin.

What is the amount of calcium needed? Up to 6 months 210 mg, 6 to 12 months 270 mg, 1 to 3 years 500 mg and 4 to 8 years 800 mg.

Nothing happens if your child does not drink 1 liter of milk a day, the important thing is that this amount of calcium is supplied with other foods. Some alternatives to milk can be: make fruit smoothies with a little milk, drink calcium-fortified juices, rice pudding or homemade flan or add grated cheese in pasta, stews and soups.

Video: STOP Taking That Calcium Supplement! (July 2024).