2006 solidarity calendar

2006 Solidarity Calendar It is an initiative of the journalist and writer Hernán Zinc. The particularity of this calendar is that it includes the most relevant dates related to solidarity: Working Women's Day, World Water Day ... But, the most important thing is that you remember the debt that humanity has with Africa, an impoverished continent with a life expectancy of 46 years.

This year the 2006 calendar is dedicated to African girls doubly subjected to misery, just because they are women: genital mutilation, sexual slavery, violence, lack of access to education, to health. The Solidarity Calendar presents the testimonies of the children that appear in the photographs, and statistical information on the situation of children in the country in which the child is. It can be purchased at bookstores, large stores and online at calendariosolidario.com at a price of 5.90 euros. Its benefits will be entirely dedicated to projects in favor of girls in developing countries by the Mundo Cooperante organization.

Very good initiative. Buying the calendar we can put our grain of sand to help the needy.

Video: TSUNAMI COMING 112 = 923 in JEWISH MOON CALENDAR MOVE NOW!!!!!! (July 2024).