The miracle baby

I learn, via Blogging Baby, of surprising news from Canada: doctors are witnessing a miracle after a woman gave birth to her baby born in an extrauterine pregnancy. The little girl, nicknamed "The baby of the miracle" by the doctors - survives four months ago without complications and her mother is in excellent health, after having undergone a caesarean section in the 33rd week of pregnancy due to severe abdominal pain I was experiencing.

The embryo, after being fertilized, had been placed in the mother's abdominal cavity and the placenta that fed it was implanted outside the uterus. Doctors still cannot explain how the little girl survived in her mother's abdomen without the normal amniotic sac that contained her. Emylea, such as the baby's name, dislocated her hip during pregnancy and was born with a slightly flattened skull, due to the fact that she was "crushed" under her mother's liver and intestines.

The unusual fact is the fourth reported in the world and raises an intriguing question to the scientific community: if the placenta can grow outside the uterus, is it possible that men also get pregnant?

Video: See Aly And Josh Welcome Newborn Baby Vera Into The World. Rattled (July 2024).