"Do not touch" signs for newborns, a warning for strangers to keep their hands away from your baby

When babies are born, their immune system is immature, which makes them more susceptible to infections and certain precautions must be taken when coming into contact with them, such as washing hands if we are going to take them or never do it if we are sick.

In the hospital and then at home it is easy (or should be) to control who touches our son or not because it is about our friends and family but, what happens on the street with those people who "go hand in hand "When do you see a baby? To prevent unpleasant situations, some moms have decided to hang a "Don't touch" sign in your child's stroller to make sure strangers keep their hands away from your baby.

The baby, that object of desire

I have a friend who, when we lived all that swine flu psychosis back in 2009, told me that she wanted to make her son a shirt that said: "Don't touch me, you could spread the flu." She did not take her baby to daycare and, in the mornings when she went out to run errands, her little skunks were the object of desire of the neighbors in the neighborhood.

In Babies and more "Don't kiss my baby": the serious danger that can give kisses to newborns

Now, American moms have put their idea into practice and websites like Etsy offer a thousand and one varieties of posters to hang in the cart with messages like:

Stop! Do not touch. Your germs are too big for me

Stop! Wash your hands before touching me. Your germs could hurt me

It looks but does not touch. Mommy thanks you so much

Caution first

Although the temptation to kiss newborns, take them and touch them those tiny hands and tiny bits is really great, parents don't really exaggerate when they keep their baby from hand to hand as soon as they are born and demand that they wash their hands before taking it .

It is not usual, but there have been terrible cases such as that of a baby who died 18 days after he was born because he was infected with meningitis with a kiss. There have also been cases of children who have become seriously ill because the people who took them in their arms had not washed their hands.

Is it exaggerated?

After several moms posted photos of their children's carriages on Facebook with these messages posted, the controversy has been unleashed on the networks.

Some mothers consider the measure exaggerated: "Babies need to be in contact with the world since they are born. They have to develop their immune system. We have babies in a glass bubble and, in the end, we are harming their health," said one mother.

Others consider that putting these posters is of rude and aggressive because, after all, these people have no bad intention when they approach our baby or think that touching it could be wrong.

However, moms of premature babies or with a disease that makes them more vulnerable to infections were blunt: safety first, then education. For them, the affectionate greeting of a stranger can mean ending the day in the emergency room, therefore, here there is no room for subtleties: "Keep my hands away from my baby."

In the face of controversy, I believe that we should advocate common sense and respect. Strangers in the street can greet the baby without touching him. Thus, there will not be put "Do not touch" signs in your stroller. At home, always ask parents if we can catch it. Simple, right?

Via Cafemom

In Babies and more That nobody kisses your newborn: an 18-day-old baby dies from meningitis because of a kiss, what care does the baby receive as soon as he is born?

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