Samantha Villar again creates debate by saying that if she had been told what motherhood is like, she would have said no

Since he published his book "Mother there is more than one", Samanta Villar continues to receive criticism for saying that being a mother has lost quality of life. Every time he touches the subject again, he creates a stir because of his particular vision about being a mother. Last time it was last night, in the Chester program of Risto Meijide, in which he confessed once again that if you had been told how motherhood is, I would have said no.

Although he says he loves his twins (who have turned a year and a half), he maintains that They have only told us the beauty of motherhood, that there is a part of taking you to the limit, of sacrifice and even of physical pain, that nobody tells you.

. @ samantavillar: "If I had been told that being a mother I would stop being a journalist to be a caregiver, I would have said no." Tomorrow at 9:30 p.m. with @ristomejide //

- CHESTER (@Chester_cuatro) December 16, 2017

"I do not give up my children now. But if my mother had come to me and said: keep in mind that being a mother you will change your profession, you will stop being a journalist and you will become a caregiver, do you want it? I say no, answer. What do you want me to say, that being a mother has been the best experience of my life? I am not interested in this type of work. 24 hours a day, unpaid and without holidays ”

When asked Risto, who is the father of an eight-year-old boy, if that thought is not very selfish and tell her that she is seeing only the negative part, the journalist responds:

"I have not said not to compensate me, what I say is why they did not explain all this to me." What I say is that they have only told us a part of the truth”.

“When you have not been able to sleep for three days and cry again, you think: But what have I done with my life? I want to make it clear that this moment will come but then you get over it. Above there are many women who feel this sensation when they feel guilty because they are not feeling how beautiful they said it was. No one has to tell you how to live it. ”

He also faced an anonymous mother who visited the set, who told the journalist that "The responsibility was not to tell, the responsibility was to make the decision (to be a mother) with maturity and good sense". He also added that he believes that "statements about motherhood are a marketing technique to market his book," to which he replied that affirming that is "irresponsible."

"-Did you really not know you weren't going to sleep before being a mother?
-What I didn't know is that you could leave four years without sleep. You can not imagine the number of women who come to me and they say 'thankfully you say this in public' because many women said it in private ”

The reactions for and against

The networks burn every time Samantha talk about how motherhood lives, and this time has not been the exception. On the one hand, there are those criticize her for her statements.

With whom has Samantha left her enslaving children to go to the chester? # ChesterFreedom

- Barbie Negra (@Barbienegri) December 17, 2017

Samantha Villar did not know that when you have children you have to wake up at night to take care of them ...

- Ray McCoy (@RayMcCoyBR) December 17, 2017

#ChesterFreedom thankfully that samanta villar has discovered that when you have a baby you have to take care of him, feed him and change his diaper, I would never have imagined it ... I would like to know what she expected it was to have a child.

- Auri (@auri_ia) December 17, 2017

Samantha Villar has just said that having children is terrible. He then says that prostitution is WONDERFUL.

- Ray McCoy (@RayMcCoyBR) December 17, 2017

On the other, the mothers who support that should not be criticized To say what they think, that each one lives motherhood in their own way, and even those who feel identified with their experience.

Why do people continue to insist on criticizing Samanta Villar for saying that motherhood takes away quality of life?
I can't understand, LEARN TO RESPECT PLEASE ‍♀️
In maternity is not all "happyflower" gentlemen, that is so, here and in Beijing #ChesterFreedom

- Belén Lara (@ belennlara5) December 17, 2017

#ChesterFreedom Samanta, for me, one of the best TV journalists, for the good and the bad. Sometimes what he says, stings, but stings because of the truth that emerges and that not everyone admits

- RosaU (@rosixpe) December 17, 2017

Samantha I completely agree with you. I have had that sadness of exhaustion, I have not known that you do wrong. No rest 24 hours. I understand you and I support you. Oh and I also adore my 2 year old daughter. A kiss #ChesterFreedom

- Natalia Gonzalez ️ (@ lolina33) December 17, 2017

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